ENDNEL2s&ðÿÿÿÿ„0 AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorAV: Availability'CL: ClassificationCO: Country of OriginCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: EditorEI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIL: IllustrationsIS: ISSN LA: Language2NR: Number of References NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title. PB: PublisherPD: Publication DatePT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRL: Resource LocationRN: CAS Registry NumberRP: Report Number SF: Subfile SO: Source, vol. , pp. ,  20 SO: Source, vol. , pp. ,  19 SO: Source, vol. , pp. , 20 SO: Source, vol. , pp. , 19 SO: Source, pp. ,  20 SO: Source, pp. ,  19 SO: Source, pp. , 20 SO: Source, pp. , 19 SO: Source$. Vol. , no. , pp. .  20 SO: Source$. Vol. , no. , pp. .  19 SO: Source!. Vol. , no. , pp. . 20 SO: Source!. Vol. , no. , pp. . 19 SO: Source. Vol. , pp. .  20 SO: Source. Vol. , pp. .  19 SO: Source. Vol. , pp. . 20 SO: Source. Vol. , pp. . 19 SO: Source. no. , pp. .  20 SO: Source. no. , pp. .  19 SO: Source. no. , pp. . 20 SO: Source. no. , pp. . 19 SO: Source. pp. .  20 SO: Source. pp. .  19 SO: Source. pp. . 20 SO: Source. pp. . 19 TI: Title UD: UpdateCF: Conference`;` SO: Source `Conference` SO: Source `Meeting` AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorAV: Availability'CF: Conference ; |; CF: Conference|; CF: ConferenceCL: ClassificationCO: Country of OriginCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: Editor EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIB: ISBNIL: IllustrationsNR: Number of References NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title. PB: Publisher PD: Publication DatePT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRL: Resource LocationRN: CAS Registry NumberRP: Report Number SF: Subfile SO: Source|,  SO: Source, pp. . 20 SO: Source, pp. . 19 SO: Source , pp.  SO: Source TI: Title UD: UpdatePT: Publication Type`CONFERENCE VOLUME - ANALYTIC` AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorAV: Availability'CL: ClassificationCO: Country of OriginCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: Editor EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIL: IllustrationsIB: ISBNIS: ISSN LA: Language2NR: Number of References NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title. PB: Publisher PD: Publication DatePT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRL: Resource LocationRN: CAS Registry NumberRP: Report Number SF: Subfile SO: Source IN:, p.  SO: SourceIN: SO: Source TI: Title UD: Update RP: `Report Number` RP: Report Number `no.` PT: Publication Type `Report` AB: Abstract  AF: Author Affiliation ' AN: Accession Number  AU: Author  AV: Availability ' CL: Classification  CO: Country of Origin  CP: Country of Publication  DE: Descriptors  DN: Database Name / DO: DOI + EA: Email Address ' ED: Editor  EI: Electronic ISSN  EM: Entry Month  ER: Environmental Regime  FC: Format Covered  FE: Features  IB: ISBN  IL: Illustrations  IS: ISSN  LA: Language 2 NR: Number of References  NT: Notes  NU: Other Numbers  OT: Original Title . PB: Publisher  PD: Publication Date  PT: Publication Type  PY: Publication Year  RL: Resource Location  RP: Report Number  SF: Subfile  SO: Source .  pp. SO: Source  TI: Title  UD: Update PT: Publication Type`Patent` AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorAV: Availability'CF: Conference CL: ClassificationCO: Country of OriginCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: Editor EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIL: IllustrationsIB: ISBNIS: ISSN LA: Language2NR: Number of References NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title. PB: PublisherPD: Publication DatePT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRL: Resource LocationRN: CAS Registry NumberRP: Report Number SF: Subfile SO: Source  TI: Title UD: UpdateDN: Database Name`Web`AN: Accession NumberCP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: Editor EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIP: Information Provider  LA: Language2OT: Original Title.RL: Resource Location TI: TitlePT: Publication Type`JOURNAL DEVOTED TO CONFERENCE`PT: Publication Type `PREPRINT` AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorAV: Availability'CL: ClassificationCO: Country of Origin CP: Country of PublicationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: Editor EI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesIB: ISBNIL: IllustrationsIS: ISSN LA: Language2NR: Number of References NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title. PB: Publisher PD: Publication DatePT: Publication TypePY: Publication YearRL: Resource LocationRN: CAS Registry NumberRP: Report Number SF: Subfile SO: Source TI: Title UD: UpdatesDHD DDDHDed. H DHD:DDDDDDSLSLSReport REPORT DDH D DD H; USA q‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ SO: Source‚‚‚‚‚‚  ¨Recent Refs Technology (CSA)CSA\Due to the ambiguous way some data is presented, not all of it may import perfectly; users must manually make any necessary corrections after importing. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS From the CSA search results screen, click on 'Save/Print/Email'. On the "Save/Print/Email" screen, choose "Full Format" and none other. Click the 'Save' button. Your web browser will ask you where to save the file. If your web browser gives you the option to save in different file formats, be sure to save as a "Text Only (*.txt)" file. You may also click Print Preview, then copy and paste the data into a text file.